Saturday, 19 May 2012

Lord of the Flycatchers

That I am not.  Not yet, at least.  But I'm working on it.

On Thursday there was an Acadian Flycatcher reported on the "sand road" at St. Williams Conservation Area.  On Friday morning I drove two hours to get it.  I watched, looked and listened for nearly an hour, part of the time with a couple who had driven almost as far as me to see it, and could neither hear nor see an Acadian Flycatcher.  The closest I got was a photo of one on the Information Board along the road.

On Friday there was an Olive-sided Flycatcher reported in Section 48 of Mount Pleasant Cemetery, atop a Spruce tree.  So, on Saturday morning, on my way to work, I stopped by MPC and spent a lovely half hour watching, listening and looking for the Olive-sided Flycatcher, only to hear and see a variety of Sparrows, none of which was a Clay-cloured Sparrow.

Down in Florida,  I had no success with either the Fork-tailed Flycatcher, in February or the La Sagra's Flycatcher on April.  However in my quest for flycatchers, my batting average is not at all bad, as I have already seen Ash-throated, Dusky-capped, Gray, Great-crested, Least, Vermilion and Willow Flycatchers, along with Black Pheobe,  Cassin's Kingbird,  Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet, Say's Phoebe and Western Kingbird.  So, in baseball terms I am 12 for 16, batting .750.

Now, Sue has reported that a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher had been seen this morning at Colonel Sam Smith Park, where she birded,(and saw a Canada Warbler), with a group this morning while I searched the cemetery in vain for the Olive-sided Flycatcher.

So I will once again be off and running, after work, trying to catch yet another Flycatcher.

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