Sunday, 17 June 2012

Father's Day Update

Happy Father's Day to my dad and all those dads who made an impact on their son's lives.  I have an amazing job with the Toronto Blue Jays.  I work for them because my dad took me to the first Blue Jays game back on April 7, 1977 and I fell in love with baseball.  He convinced me to get a job with the team when I was entering university, as a summer job.  I started on the ground crew and because I was studying Film and Television I was in the right place at the right time to do the video for the team back in 1981.  Now I am able to travel around the country for the team and that has allowed me the flexibility this year, to do a Big Year.

So thanks dad.

On the birding front, it has been quiet here.  I've gone out and chased and found a Stilt Sandpiper at Reesors Pond and a Dickcissel on a wire in Strathroy.  I also added a a bird to my Alaska list, as I had forgotten to officially record the Northern Fulmar I saw early on during the pelagic out of Seward.  I had told Sue about it and shown her a photo but neglected to add it to my list until she reminded me yesterday.

So heading out on the road, I will be going to Vancouver BC and Southeast Texas with 396.  I hope to add a lot of birds over the next week and hope to end June with 450 species.  July and early August will be exciting too, as I will be traveling to Newfoundland for a week, returning to Nevada and finally making it to the Midwest.  A return trip to Arizona would be nice too.

The Stilt is in the very centre of the shot:

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